Wednesday, May 26, 2010

On the Way!

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to "smile~ngiti"! Ngiti is smile in Filipino. I started this blog to keep all of you updated on my Operation Smile mission to Pampanga, Philippines. I leave today, May 26, and return back home on June 6. I want to say thank you to everyone that has helped me prepare for my mission-- my school, friends, and family! I could not have done it without you! I am so unbelievably excited and honored to be traveling on an Operation Smile Medical Mission. I fly from Orlando to LA to Manila with a refuel stop in Guam. 20 hours+ of traveling! Wow!
Here are a few facts about Pampanga: It is the culinary capital of the Philippines, I can't wait to try all of the yummy new foods. Pampanga is a province and the capital is the City of San Fernando. It is located north of Manila Bay. Pampanga is a new site for Operation Smile.

I am currently waiting in the Orlando airport for my flight to LA. Less than an hour till I board!

Talk to you all soon,
Mary Claire


  1. Yay Mary Claire!! You two are amazing, have a great time! Can't wait for you to update all the time!

  2. ahhhh this is so exciting (:

  3. Mary Claire, Can't wait to hear from you and how your trip is going. Love, Mom
